US Grazing Planning Forms (English Version)


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Imperial Grazing Planning Forms

Forms Included:

  • Grazing Plan and Control Chart (20 paddocks) with two printing options 
  • Grazing Plan and Control Chart (35 paddocks)

Please Note: 

You will also require the Standard Worksheet (Purchased Separately - HERE)

Grazing Plan and Control Chart:

Used with the Aide Memoires for the Growing and Non-growing Season to record the plan and to adjust and re-plan as the season progresses. Available in 20-paddock and 35-paddock versions.

Please note: Make sure you print these forms at these specified sizes: 

20-Paddock Chart:

Broadsheet (22 x 17 inches), or,

Economy option: Ledger (17 x 11 inches) x 2 sheets printed in two halves that you tape together (this option also provides more room to plan daily grazings)

35-Paddock Chart:

Broadsheet (22 x 17 inches), or Poster (34 x 22 inches) for more room to plan daily grazings

When you pay for this item, it will come to you as a link to use for downloading all three versions of the form (20-paddock/1 sheet; 20 paddock/2 sheets; and 35 paddock/1sheet) onto your computer. The single sheet sizes will require a digital output printer – the kind you print house plans on – which most copy/print shops have.