Holistic Management Textbook



Holistic Management: A Commonsense Revolution to Restore Our Environment

by Allan Savory and Jody Butterfield

Please note that the Textbook is only available in English at this time. Translations of Holistic Management materials can be found in the "E-BOOKS" section of the Savory online store. 

Fossil fuels and livestock grazing are often targeted as major culprits behind climate change and desertification. The bigger problem is our mismanagement of resources. Livestock grazing is not the problem; it’s how we graze livestock. 

Holistic Management: A Commonsense Revolution to Restore Our Environment outlines Savory's paradigm-changing vision for reversing desertification, stemming the loss of biodiversity, eliminating fundamental causes of human impoverishment throughout the world, and climate change. The long-anticipated new edition is written for new generations of ranchers, farmers, eco and social entrepreneurs, and development professionals working to address global environmental and social degradation. 

An introduction to Holistic Management

Holistic Management is a systems-thinking approach for managing resources developed by Allan Savory decades ago after observing the devastation of desertification in his native Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Properly managed livestock are key to restoring the world’s grassland soils, the major sink for atmospheric carbon, and minimizing the most damaging impacts on humans and the natural world.

Book Details


Holistic Management: A Commonsense Revolution to Restore Our Environment, Third Edition (2016), covers the foundations of Holistic Management in detail and explains the reasoning behind the various planning procedures that appear in the Handbook. The Textbook gives an overview of all the planning and monitoring procedures listed in the Holistic Management framework, including policy and research.  It expresses the “Why” of Holistic Management – why it matters, why it is essential for solving so many of the world’s most pressing problems, and why you should care.

English Publisher:  Island Press, USA

Spanish Publisher:  Cable a Tierra, Chile


The Holistic Management Handbook: Regenerating Your Land and Growing Your Profits, Third Edition (2019), is the Holistic Management “How To” book for land managers. It explains in step-by-step detail how to create your holistic financial plan, grazing plan, land (infrastructure) plan, and to complete your ecological monitoring. It was designed as a companion to the textbook. We recommend not risking resources on the information in the Handbook without reading the textbook, and also do not advise managing your operation from the advice in the textbook without mastering the details explained in this one.

 English Publisher:  Island Press, USA

Spanish Publisher:  Cable a Tierra, Chile


The first five eBooks summarize the information in the textbook. The remaining eight eBooks are derived from the Handbook and cover the same planning and monitoring procedures, but also include exercises and other teach-yourself information that help you learn the decision-making, planning and monitoring more easily. The Ebooks are updated annually and reflect the latest thinking gleaned from practitioners the world over.

Publisher (all languages):  Savory Institute