104: Holistic Decision Making


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104: Holistic Decision Making

As the complexity of our decisions increase, our decision-making process determines the quality of the outcomes. The Holistic Management Decision Making Framework allows us to manage complexity by effectively identifying the actions that can be supported by our resources and match our values.  

Dive into Holistic Management decision-making and learn to make decisions that are financially, socially, and environmentally sustainable.


This course is for:

  • Land Managers seeking to manage land regeneratively
  • Teams who are changing their approach to management
  • Consumers looking to make educated choices
  • Stewards of our environment

You will learn: 

  • What it means to make decisions holistically
  • What resources you have available to you to make important decisions
  • How you can better align decisions with your values


Estimated Course Time: 4 Hours

Included in the Course: 4 instructional videos

      Instructional Videos

      Instructional videos to improve your understanding.

      Course Field Manuals

      Downloadable field manual you can take with you anywhere.

      Accredited Trainers

      Connect with Savory Accredited Professional and get support and feedback to your questions.

      Meet Your Instructor

      Byron is the Senior Program Director for the Savory Institute. His role involves providing training in Holistic Management for the worldwide network of Savory Institute Hubs and Accredited Professionals. He also provides farm and ranch management consulting for the Savory Institute.